Church growth movement
The church growth movement is a philosophy that if a local congregation is not growing numerically, it signifies that they are diseased or dying. Rick Holland, pastor of Youth Ministries, Grace Community Church, defined it as "an organized effort and strategy to affect growth in the church which integrates biblical and extra-biblical means." ^[ [citation\ needed](Theopedia:Writing_guide#Reference_your_work)]^ It was advanced primarily by Donald McGavran in The Bridges of God (1955) and Understanding Church Growth (1970). Robert Schuller has also trained key leaders in the movement such as Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, and John Maxwell at his Institute for Successful Church Leadership.^[ [citation\ needed](Theopedia:Writing_guide#Reference_your_work)]^ One premise that underscores the movement is that a congregation's goals and strategies for growth should be determined by the perceived needs of the community they serve.
See also
- The Purpose-Driven Church (book)
External links
- Church Growth Gone Mad by Clay Miller (former Outreach Ministries Pastor, Grace Community Church, CA)
- The Market-Driven Church - Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV by Gary Gilley (Pastor-Teacher, Southern View Chapel, IL)