Keith Mathison

Keith A. Mathison is a Reformed writer who has published numerous articles and several books on theological topics, including Dispensationalism: Rightly Dividing the People of God?, Postmillennialism: An Eschatology of Hope, Given for You: Reclaiming Calvin's Doctrine of the Lord's Supper, and The Shape of Sola Scriptura. He was the assistant editor for the ESV Reformation Study Bible and works as director of curriculum development for Ligonier Ministries.

Mathison received an M.A. from Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando and a Ph.D. from Whitefield Theological Seminary.

External links

  • "Protestant Transubstantiation: Examining the use of grape juice in the Lord's Supper" by Mathison from Reformed Perspectives magazine: part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4.