Paul Copan
Paul Copan is a Christian philosopher, apologist, and author. Copan holds the prestigious Pledger Family Chair of Philosophy and Ethics at Palm Beach Atlantic University. He has co-edited three books on the historical Jesus and coedited (with Paul K. Moser) a textbook on the philosophy of religion, "The Rationality of Theism" (Routledge). He is author of the forthcoming book "What Is God That We Are Mindful of Him? A Christian Philosophy of Religion" (Chalice) and coeditor of three forthcoming books: "The Apologetics Study Bible "(Broadman and Holman), "The Routledge Companion to the Philosophy of Religion" (Routledge) and "Philosophy of Religion: Classic and Contemporary Issues" (Blackwell).
In addition to contributing essays to several books, he has written many articles in professional journals. He is the President of the Evangelical Philosophical Society. He and his wife Jacqueline live with their five children in the West Palm Beach area.[1]
- Ph.D., Marquette University (Philosophy)
- M.Div. Trinity International University (Divinity)
- M.A., Trinity International University (Philosophy of Religion)
- B.A., Columbia International University (Biblical Studies)
- When God Goes to Starbucks: A Guide to Everyday Apologetics. (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2008.)
- Loving Wisdom: Christian Philosophy of Religion. (St. Louis: Chalice Press, 2007)
- What Is Truth? Series edited by Danielle DuRant. (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2007.)
- How Do You Know You're Not Wrong?: Responding to Objections That Leave Christians Speechless. (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2005).
- (Co-authored with William Lane Craig), Creation ex Nihilo: A Biblical, Philosophical, and Scientific Exploration (Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 2004).
- "That’s Just Your Interpretation": Responding to Skeptics Who Challenge Your Faith (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2001)
- True for You, But Not for Me: Deflating the Slogans That Leave Christians Speechless (Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1998).
External links
- Is God a Moral Monster? (YouTube), by Paul Copan
- Did God Sanction Slavery in the Old Testament? (YouTube), by Paul Copan
- Paul Copan, links to articles
- Questioning Presuppositionalism, by Paul Copan