Continuationism is the belief that the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit taught in the bible -- such as prophecy, tongues, interpretation of tongues, healings, miracles, etc. -- have not ceased and are available for the believer today (1 Cor. 1:7). Continuationism is the opposite of Cessationism which teaches that supernatural gifts have ceased either when the canon of Scripture was completed or at the death of the last apostle. Those who hold to continuationism are called continuationists or non-cessationists.
- A Debate on the Continuation of Prophecy - Between Ian Hamilton (Cambridge Presbyterian Church; Cambridge, England) and Wayne Grudem (Phoenix Seminary, Arizona) (Vimeo)
- Doctrine of Miracles, by Wayne Grudem (MP3), Scottsdale Bible Church part 1, part 2, part 3
- A Debate on the Continuation of Prophecy (Vimeo), by Ian Hamilton and Wayne Grudem
See also
External links
- Tim Challies interview with Wayne Grudem: Continuationism and Cessationism Part 1, Part 2
- Answering the Cessationists Case against Continuing Spiritual Gifts (Spring 2000 issue of the Pneuma Review v.3, n.2)
- Prophetic Standards Statement - "practical guidelines for processing prophetic words"
John Piper's Desiring God site
- Desiring God series : "Are Signs and Wonders for Today?"
- Desiring God 1991 Pastor's Conference : "Spiritual Gifts and the Sovereignty of God" (featuring Wayne Grudem)
- "Signs and Wonders, Then and Now"
- "Using our Gifts in Proportion to our Faith" (part 1)
Dr. Sam Storms (Enjoying God Ministries)
- Are Miraculous Gifts for Today ? Part 1, Part 2
- Are Apostles for Today ?
- Are Prophets Foundational to the Church ?
- Speaking in tongues and the Southern Baptist Convention, Part 1, Part 2
- The case for Continuationism
Assemblies of God (
- Cardinal Doctrines
- Apostles and Prophets, official position paper
- Baptism in the Holy Spirit, official position paper
- Divine Healing, official position paper