Online theological resources
_[Journals](#journals)_ [Bibles](#bible-portals) _[Commentaries](#commentaries)_ [Encyclopedias](#encyclopedias) _[Dictionaries](#dictionaries)_
[Bible Gateway]( _[]( []( _[MyStudyBible]( [Academic Bible Online]( (BHS, UBS, NA27, and LXX) _[Blue Letter Bible]( [You Version]( _[ESV Bible]( [BibleStudyTools](
_[IVP New Testament Commentaries]( [International Critical Commentaries]( (ICC) _[Matthew Henry Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible]( [](
_[The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]( [New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge by Philip Schaff](
_[Dictionaries](, from, has:_ Baker's Evangelical dictionary of Biblical Theology _Easton's Bible Dictionary_ Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary _Jack Van Impe's Dictionary of Prophecy Terms_ King James Dictionary _Smith's Bible Dictionary_ [Dictionary of Theology]( (
### Reformed _[Western Reformed Seminary Journal]( [Modern Reformation]( _[Protestant Reformed Theological Journal]( [Kerux: The Journal of Northwest Theological Seminary]( ### Anglican _[Earth & Altar: A Journal of Anglican Life]( ### Lutheran_ [Word & World]( _[Trinity Seminary Review]( ### Evangelical_ [Tyndale Bulletin]( _[Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society]( [Denver Journal: An Online Review of Current Biblical and Theological Studies](, from Denver Seminary _[Master's Seminary Journal]( [Themelios]( _"[W]as formerly a print journal operated by RTSF/UCCF in the UK, and it became a digital journal operated by The Gospel Coalition in 2008"_ [Bibliotheca Sacra]( maintained by Dallas Theological Seminary (requires paid subscription) _[Evangelical Philosophical Society Online Articles]( ### Baptist_ [Baptist Bible Seminary Journal of Ministry and Theology]( _[Baptist Theology White Papers]( [Criswell Theological Review](, published by Criswell College, Dallas, TX _[Detroit Baptist Seminary Journal]( [Founders Journal]( _[Journal for Baptist Theology and Ministry]( [The Journal of Baptist Studies]( _[Southern Baptist Journal of Theology]( [Southwestern Journal of Theology]( ### Arminian / Wesleyan _[Arminian Magazine]( [Wesleyan Theological Journal]( ### Catholic _[Communio]( ### Unsorted / Other_ [Chafer Theological Seminary Journal]( _[Christian Standard]( [E-Quality]( _[Encounters Mission Ezine]( from [Redcliffe College, Centre for Mission Training]( [Evangelical Missions Quarterly]( _[First Things]( [Hope's Reason: A Journal of Apologetics]( _[The Theologian: The Internet Journal for Integrated Theology]( [Journal of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood]( _[The Other Journal: An Intersection of Theology and Culture]( [Theology Today]( from Princeton Theological Seminary _[Trinity Journal of Apologetic and Theology]( from [Trinity School of Apologetics and Theology]( [American Theological Inquiry]( _[Foundations]( [Credo]( ### Other collections _[Electronic Journals]( NOBTS's list _[]( (can use this to search for journal articles)_ [Journals to Watch for Philosophy of Religion Articles]( _[International Bulletin of Missionary Research]( [Theological Commons]( ## Journal search engines _[Theological Journals Search]( (a custom search engine which simultaneously searches over 300 open-access, full-text journals)_ [Online Biblical Studies Journals Search](