Atheism is the belief that there is no God, from the negative a + theism. While atheism may broadly deny the existence of any god(s) or divine beings, it most often is a denial of the God revealed in the Bible. This may be contrasted with agnosticism, which neither affirms belief in God (theism) nor denies God (atheism) but leaves the question of the existence of God open or declares it unknowable. From a Christian perspective, some would also see agnosticism as a denial, like atheism, since natural revelation reveals to all, Christian or not, that there is a God, and special revelation, i.e. God's Word in the Bible, reveals the particular Christian, Triune God.
See also
External links
Apologetics Ministries:
- Comprehensive examination of atheism by Creation Ministries International
- Witnessing to Atheists: About Atheists and Agnostics, by
- Atheism, by the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
- Atheism Website run by Inc.
- The Absurdity of Atheism by Chaim
Wikis and Blogs:
- Atheism, by Conservapedia contributors
- Atheism is Dead Anti-atheism blog
- Militant Atheism Exposed, by
- 20 questions atheists struggle to answer – Links to attempted answers