Bernard Ramm
Bernard Ramm Bernard L. Ramm (1916-1992) born in Butte, Montana was a Baptist theologian and apologist within the broad Evangelical tradition. He wrote prolifically on topics concerned with biblical hermeneutics, religion and science, Christology, and apologetics.
Ramm's education included a B.A. University of Washington, B.D. Eastern Baptist Seminary, and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees at the University of Southern California. He also undertook additional studies at the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Basel, Switzerland, and the Near Eastern School of Theology, Beirut, Lebanon.
Ramm's academic teaching career began in 1943 when he joined the faculty at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles (now Biola University, La Mirada, California). He became Professor of Philosophy at Bethel College and Seminary, and then Professor of Religion at Baylor University, Texas. Most of his academic teaching was conducted at the American Baptist Seminary of the West at Covina, California, where he taught between 1958-74 and again from 1978-86. At that seminary he held the post of Professor of Systematic Theology.
Selected publications
- Protestant Christian Evidences, Moody Press, Chicago, 1953.
- Types of Apologetic Systems, Van Kampen Press, Wheaton, 1953.
- Christian View of Science and Scripture, Eerdmans, 1954.
- Special Revelation and the Word of God, Eerdmans, 1961.
- Varieties of Christian Apologetics: An Introduction to the Christian Philosophy of Religion, Baker, 1962.
- A Handbook Of Contemporary Theology, Eermans, 1966.
- Protestant Biblical Interpretation: A Textbook of Hermeneutics, 3rd revised edition, Baker, 1970.
- The God Who Makes A Difference: A Christian Appeal to Reason, Word, 1972.
- The Evangelical Heritage, Word, 1973.
- After Fundamentalism: The Future of Evangelical Theology, Harper & Row, 1983.
- An Evangelical Christology: Ecumenic and Historic, Thomas Nelson, 1985.
- Offense to Reason: A Theology of Sin, Harper & Row, 1985.
- Ramm and others, Hermeneutics, Baker, 1987.
- Stanley Grenz (ed). Perspectives on Theology in the Contemporary World: Essays in Honor of Bernard Ramm, Mercer University Press, 1990.
External links
- The Relation of Science, Factual Statements and the Doctrine of Biblical Inerrancy B. Ramm, Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation (JASA), 21 (December 1969): 98-104.
- An Interview with Bernard Ramm and Alta Ramm Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation (JASA), 31 (September 1979): 179-186.
- Changing Views of Science and Scripture: Bernard Ramm and the ASA Joseph L. Spradley, Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, 44 (March 1992): 2-9.