Christianity Today

Christianity Today is an evangelical Christian periodical based in Carol Stream, Illinois. Readers can keep abreast of matters concerning books and culture, campus life, Christian history, Christian parenting, leadership skills, marriage, men and women, Bible study, preaching and spiritual help.

Begun in 1956 as a way to bring the evangelical Christian community together, the magazine was founded by the famous evangelist Billy Graham. Its first editor was Carl F. H. Henry. Notable contributors in its first two decades included contributions from F. F. Bruce, Edward John Carnell, Frank Gaebelein, Walter Martin, John Warwick Montgomery, and Harold Lindsell. Lindsell succeeded Henry as editor and during his editorial administration much attention centred on debates about biblical inerrancy. Later editorial work came Kenneth Kantzer and Terry Muck. Notable current writers include author Philip Yancey, Fuller Theological Seminary's Richard Mouw, Yale University law professor Stephen Carter, and Prison Fellowship's Charles W. Colson.

The magazine's presence on the Internet, originally named ChristianityOnline, began in 1996. Today it and its sister publications, which range from the popular ( Today's Christian Woman) to the intellectual ( Books & Culture), reach well over 2 million readers in both traditional paperbound and Internet forms.

The magazine ran some of the first advertisements for Jerry Falwell's Moral Majority. Founding editor Henry was an advocate for the labor movement, and in the past decade the magazine and its sister publications have run articles both promoting and criticizing the intelligent design movement. During presidential campaigns columns give coverage to both Republican and Democrat candidates, with emphasis on their moral and social justice agendas.

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  • Board, Stephen. "Moving the World With Magazines: A Survey of Evangelical Periodicals." In American Evangelicals and the Mass Media, ed. Quentin J. Scultze. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1990, pp. 119-142.
  • Marsden, George M. Reforming Fundamentalism, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1987.