John R. W. Stott

John R. W. Stott, (1921 - 2011) was born in London and was an evangelical Anglican, preacher, and teacher of Scripture. "He was ordained in 1945 and for most of his years has served in various capacities at All Souls Church in London, where he carried out an effective urban pastoral ministry. A leader among evangelicals in Britain, the United States and even around the world, Stott was a principal framer of the landmark Lausanne Covenant (1974). Whether in the West or in the Third World, a hallmark of Stott's ministry has been expository preaching that addresses not only the hearts but also the minds of contemporary men and women." ^ [1]^

Stott was educated at Rugby School and Trinity College Cambridge, and trained for the pastorate at Ridley Hall, Cambridge. He was awarded a Lambeth doctorate in divinity in 1983.


Stott on Annihilationism

John Stott caused a stir among evangelicals in 1988 with his tentative support of Annihilationism.^[2]^

"I find the concept [of eternal conscious punishment in hell] intolerable and do not understand how people can live with it without either cauterising their feelings or cracking under the strain. But our emotions are a fluctuating, unreliable guide to truth and must not be exalted to the place of supreme authority in determining it. As a committed Evangelical, my question must be -- and is -- not what does my heart tell me, but what does God's word say?" ^[3]^

Selected publications

  • Evangelical Truth: A Personal Plea for Unity, Integrity and Faithfulness. IVP, 2011.
  • The Living Church: Convictions of a Lifelong Pastor. IVP, 2011.
  • The Radical Disciple: Some Neglected Aspects of Our Calling. IVP, 2010.
  • John Stott Bible Studies. IVP, 2008.
  • Basic Christianity. IVP, 2008. ^[4]^
  • Baptism and Fullness: The Work of the Holy Spirit Today. IVP, 2007.
  • The Letters of John. Tyndale New Testament Commentary. IVP, 2007.
  • The Cross of Christ. 20th Anniv. edition, IVP, 2006.
  • Issues Facing Christians Today. 4th ed., Zondervan, 2006.
  • The Incomparable Christ. IVP, 2004.
  • Why I Am a Christian. IVP, 2004.
  • Between Two Worlds: The Art of Preaching in the Twentieth Century. Eerdmans, 1994.
  • co-author David L Edwards, Evangelical Essentials. IVP, 1989.
  • ed., The Bible Speaks Today series.
  • More books by Stott


  • Timothy Dudley-Smith, John Stott: The Making of a Leader: A Biography : The Early Years. IVP, 1999.


  1. ? John Stott Bio at Spera in Deo website
  2. ? David L. Edwards and John Stott, Essentials: A Liberal-Evangelical Dialogue (Hodder & Stoughton, 1988). USA title Evangelical Essentials (IVP, 1989).
  3. ? Essentials, 314-15.
  4. ? Originally published in 1958, this book has been translated into 63 languages.

See also

External links

Online works