John Walvoord

John F. Walvoord (1910-2002) was a theologian, pastor, and president of Dallas Theological Seminary from 1952 to 1986. He was author of over 30 books, including The Bible Knowledge Commentary (with Roy Zuck). He earned AB and DD degrees from Wheaton College, an AM degree from Texas Christian University, a ThB, ThM, and ThD from Dallas Theological Seminary, and a LittD from Liberty Baptist Seminary.

Biographical sketch

Walvoord was brought up in a Christian home, but had little interest in the faith until he was fifteen, when his family moved to Racine after his father accepted a position as superintendent of the junior high. They joined the Union Gospel Tabernacle where he committed his life to Christ after attending a Bible study on Galatians.

After continuing his education at Wheaton College, Walvoord went on to Texas Christian University and Dallas Theological Seminary where he completed his ThD in 1936. Seminary president and mentor Lewis Sperry Chafer appointed Walvoord registrar. During his tenure, he also taught systematic theology at the seminary, and pastored the Rosen Heights Presbyterian church in Fort Worth. Walvoord became more involved in the administration of the school, serving as Chafer’s assistant and secretary to the faculty, and upon Chafer’s death in 1952, became the seminary’s second president where he served until his retirement in 1986.

In addition to his responsibilities at the seminary, Walvoord earned a reputation as one of the most influential dispensational theologians of the twentieth century and played a prominent role in advocating a pretribulational rapture, a literal thousand-year millennium, and a distinction between Israel and the church.

Note: adapted from author profile

Selected publications

  • The Revelation of Jesus Christ, Moody Publishers (1966), ISBN 802473091
  • Daniel, Moody Publishers (1971), ISBN 802417531
  • Jesus Christ Our Lord, Moody Publishers (1974), ISBN 802443265
  • Major Bible Themes (with Lewis Sperry Chafer) (1974)
  • The Blessed Hope and the Tribulation: A Historical and Biblical Study of Posttribulationism (1976)
  • The Rapture Question (1979)
  • The Millennial Kingdom (1983)
  • The Bible Knowledge Commentary, (with Roy B. Zuck), Cook Communications (1989), ISBN 089693800X.
  • The Holy Spirit: A Comprehensive Study of the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit (1991)
  • (contributor) Five Views on Sanctification (1996)
  • (contributor) Four Views on Hell, Zondervan Corp. (1996), ISBN 310212685
  • Matthew: Thy Kingdom Come, Kregel Publications (1998), ISBN 825439698
  • The Final Drama: Fourteen Keys to Understanding the Prophetic Scriptures, Kregel Publications (1998), ISBN 082543971X.
  • Every Prophecy of the Bible, Cook Communications (1999), ISBN 1564767582.
  • The Church in Prophecy: Exploring God's Purpose for the Present Age, Kregel Publications (1999), ISBN 082543968X.
  • The Power of Praying Together: Experiencing Christ Actively in Charge, (with Oliver W. Price) Kregel Publications (1999), ISBN 825435528
  • Major Bible Prophecies, Zondervan Corp. (1999), ISBN 310234670
  • Blessed Hope, (Autobiography with Mal Couch), AMG Publishers (2001), ISBN 899573614
  • Prophecy in the New Millennium, Kregel Publications (2001), ISBN 825439671