Liberation theology
Liberation theology is a school of thought that explores the relationship between Christian theology and political activism, particularly in areas of social justice, poverty, and human rights. The main methodology of liberation theology is to do theology (i.e. speak of God) from the viewpoint of the economically poor and oppressed of the human community.
Liberation theology focuses on Jesus as not only Savior but also as Liberator. Emphasis is placed on those parts of the Bible where Jesus' mission is described in terms of liberation, and as a bringer of justice. This is interpreted as a call to arms to carry out this mission of justice -- literally by some.
Liberation theologians and supporters of liberation theology
- Hans Kung, Germany (b. 1928)
- Jurgen Moltmann,Germany (b. 1926)
- Gustavo Gutiérrez, Peru (b. 1928)
- Samuel Ruiz, Mexico (b. 1924)
- Camilo Torres, Colombia (1929-1966)
Resources and references
- Berryman, Phillip, Liberation Theology (1987)
- Sigmund, P.E., Liberation Theology at the Crossroads (1990).
- Hillar, Marian, "Liberation Theology: Religious Response to Social Problems. A Survey", published in Humanism and Social Issues. Anthology of Essays. M. Hillar and H.R. Leuchtag, eds., American Humanist Association, Houston, 1993, pp. 35-52. [1]
- Gutirrez, Gustavo, A Theology of Liberation: History, Politics and Salvation, Orbis Books, 1988
- Smith, Christian, The Emergence of Liberation Theology: Radical Religion and the Social Movement Theory, University of Chicago Press, 1991
- Sharon E. Heaney [2] Contextual Theology for Latin America: Liberation Themes in Evangelical Perspective
External links
- Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger - Instruction On Certain Aspects Of The Theology Of Liberation, 1984
- Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger - Instruction On Christian Freedom And Liberation, 1986
- Sam Storms - Liberation Theology
- BBC Article on Liberation Theology
- A short history of Liberation theology
- Excerpts on and Chronology of liberation theology (alt link [3])
- "Christian Revolution in Latin America: The Changing Face of Liberation Theology", Ron Rhodes
- Centre for Liberation Theologies, Faculty of Theology, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
- Liberation Theology Resources Online -- articles, organizations, biographies, book links
- Socialism and Faith Commission of the Socialist Party USA
- Black Liberation Theology: Information
- Richard Shaull - The Reformation and Liberation Theology: Insights for the Challenges of Today
- Jaime Adams Liberación — El Evangelio de Dios / Spanish!
- Walter Altmann - Liberation Theology is Alive and Well