Peter Toon

Peter Toon, born in 1939 in Yorkshire, England, is an Anglican theologian and author. He is a graduate of King's College, London, and Christ Church, Oxford, with a Doctor of Philosophy from Oxford. He was ordained in the Church of England in 1973. He has taught theology in both England and America, and has also been a visiting professor and guest lecturer at a variety of seminaries and universities in Asia, Europe, and Australia. Dr. Toon has been a parish priest and is in demand as a visiting preacher and lecturer. He has published over thirty books and has served as Vice President and President of the Prayer Book Society of the U.S.A.

Selected publications

  • The Emergence of Hyper-Calvinism in English Nonconformity, 1689-1765. London: The Olive Tree, 1967.

  • God's Statesman: Life and Work of John Owen (1972). ISBN 0853641331.

  • Heaven and hell: A biblical and theological overview (1986). ISBN 0840759673.

  • Born Again: A Biblical and Theological Study of Regeneration (1987). ISBN 0801088852.

  • Meditating As a Christian: Waiting upon God (1991). ISBN 0005991897.

  • Our Triune God: A Biblical Portrayal of the Trinity (1996). ISBN 157383226X.

  • Genuine godliness & true piety: Worshipping God in faith, hope and love (2000). ISBN 0967763517.

  • The End of Liberal Theology: Contemporary Challenges to Evangelical Orthodoxy (1995). ISBN 0891078339.

  • Puritans, the Millennium and the Future of Israel: Puritan Eschatology 1600 to 1660 (2002). ISBN 0227171454.

  • Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity in the Leading of the 7 Ecumenical Councils (1996). ISBN 1886412057.

Online works

External links