Presuppositional apologetics
Presuppositional apologetics is the "school of apologetics developed by Cornelius Van Til. It rejects classical apologetics, and insists that fruitful arguments establishing the truth of Christianity can only be made by identifying a person's presuppositions and having correct ones. [1]
- Presuppositional apologetics (MP3), by John Frame
- Apologetics and Doctrine of Scripture (YouTube), Scott Oliphint
- Greg Koukl on Apologetic Methods (YouTube)
- Paul Copan's Questioning of Presuppositionalism (YouTube), by James White - response to this blog article
"Due to the noetic effects of sin, presuppositionalists usually hold that there is not enough common ground between believers and unbelievers that would allow followers of the prior three methods to accomplish their goals. The apologist must simply presuppose the truth of Christianity as the proper starting point in apologetics. Here the Christian revelation in the Scriptures is the framework through which all experience is interpreted and all truth is known. Various evidences and arguments can be advanced for the truth of Christianity, but these at least implicitly presuppose premises that can be true only if Christianity is true. Presuppositionalist attempt, then, to argue transcendentally. That is, they argue that all meaning and thought - indeed, every fact - logically presupposes the God of the Scriptures.
"John Frame represents presuppositionalism in this volume, and he puts the matter this way: [We] should present the biblical God, not merely as the conclusion to an argument, but as the one who makes argument possible (...). By demonstrating that unbelievers can not argue, think, or live without presupposing God, presuppositionalists try to show unbelievers that their own worldview is inadequate to explain their experience of the world and to get unbelievers to see that Christianity alone can mkae sense of their experience." [2]
See also
External links
- Fides Quaerens Intellectum: What Is Presuppositionalism?, by William Edgar
- Answering Objections to Presuppositionalism, by K. Scott Oliphint
- Presuppositional Apologetics: An Introduction (Part 1 and Part 2), by John M. Frame
- Presuppositional Apologetics, by Matt Slick
- Presuppositionalism, by K. Scott Oliphint
- Presuppositional Apologetics (.doc), by John Frame
- Introduction to Presuppositional Apologetics: Greg Bahnsen (Transcript from Bahsen/Sproul Debate 1977)
- Questioning Presuppositionalism, by Paul Copan