Thomas Aquinas
St.Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) was a medieval Roman Catholic philosopher and theologian in the scholastic tradition. He gave birth to the Thomistic school of philosophy, which was long the primary philosophical approach of the Roman Catholic Church. He is considered by the Catholic Church to be its greatest theologian and one of the thirty-three Doctors of the Church.
- Thomas Aquinas (MP3), by David Calhoun ( Study Guide)
- Reading the Decalogue through the Centuries: Thomas Aquinas (MP3), by Matthew Levering (2008 conference at Wheaton College)
Selected works
- On Being and Essence (De Ente et Essentia), 1254-1256
- On the Power of God, 1265-1267
- Summa Contra Gentiles, 5 vols, 1258-1264
- Summa Theologica, 5 vols, 1265-1272
See also
External links
Thomas Aquinas, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Thomas Aquinas, New Advent
Why Protestants Should Read Thomas Aquinas, by Fred Sanders
Biography of Aquinas by G. K. Chesterton (Warning: protected by copyright outside of Australia)
St Thomas of Aquinas (selected prayers and poems)
Online works
- Summa contra Gentiles
- Summa Theologica
- Compendium of Theology, ( Compendium Theologiae)
- The Principles of Nature
- On Being and Essence ( De Ente et Essentia)
- Catena Aurea (partial)
- Corpus Thomisticum - the works of St. Thomas Aquinas (Latin)