Cessationism, in Christian theology, is the view that the miraculous gifts of the Spirit, such as healing, tongues, and prophetic revelation, pertained to the apostolic era only, served a purpose that was unique to establishing the early church, and passed away before the canon of Scripture was closed (comp. 1 Cor. 13:8-12 with Heb. 2:3-4). It is contrasted with continuationism, which is the view that the miraculous gifts are normative, have not ceased, and are available for the believer today.
- The Hermeneutics of Non-Cessationism (MP3), by Robert L. Thomas
- Prophecy and the Discerning of Spirits (MP3), by F. David Farnell
- First Corinthians 13 and Other Passages on Cessationism (MP3), by Donald McDougall
- Scripture and Divine Healing (MP3), by Richard L. Mayhue
- Wayne Grudem (editor), Are Miraculous Gifts For Today? Four Views.
- Samuel E. Waldron, To Be Continued?: Are the Miraculous Gifts for Today?.
- B. B. Warfield, Counterfeit Miracles (Edinburgh: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1972).
- John MacArthur, The Charismatics (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1978).
See also
External links
- Modern Spiritual Gifts as Analogous to Apostolic Gifts: Affirming Extraordinary Works of the Spirit within Cessationist Theology, by Vern S. Poythress
- Cessationism (Wikipedia)
- Continuationism and Cessationism: An Interview with Dr. Wayne Grudem - Part 1, Part 2, by Tim Challies
- Tongues! Signs! Wonders! An Interview with Dr. Sam Waldron - Part 1, Part 2, by Tim Challies
- The Ultimate Cessationism Resource, compiled by Nathan W. Bingham
Favorable to Cessationsim
- Cessationism, by Willem Berends
- You're Probably a Cessationist Too!
- A Look at the Pentecostal/Charismatic Movement, is it Biblical?, by John Macarthur (Q&A transcript)
- Speaking in Tongues in the New Testament, by John Battle, WRS Journal 14:2 (August 2007): 20-27.
- The Gift of healing in the Scriptural Record, by Leonard Pine, WRS Journal 14:2 (August 2007): 12-19.
- Is Cessationism Biblical? (gotquestions.org)
- Eleven Theses on Private Spirits, by Douglas Wilson