Alvin Plantinga
"Alvin Plantinga is a 1954 Calvin College graduate who taught philosophy at his alma mater from 1963 to 1982 and then accepted an appointment as the John A. O'Brien Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame. He has given more than 200 guest lectures at conferences and on campuses in North America, Europe, and Australia. Dr. Plantinga received his M.A. degree in 1955 from the University of Michigan and his Ph.D. from Yale University in 1958." [1]
Plantinga is one the most influential Christian philosophers of our time. Time Magazine has called Plantinga "America's leading orthodox Protestant philosopher of God." [2] He is known for his free will defense, modal ontological argument, and evolutionary argument against naturalism.
- Augustinian Christian Philosophy (YouTube)
- Science & Religion - Where the Conflict Really Lies (YouTube)
- Plantinga and the Debate Between Science and Religion (embedded audio)
- Knowing God Exists: The Religious Epistemology of Alvin Plantinga - Vimeo, MP3 ("This talk was delievered to the Capitol Hill Theology Pub in Seattle Washington on February 21st 2012 by Paul Pardi")
- Evolutionary Arguments against Naturalism, (Real Media)
- The God Problem (Real Media)
- Is Christian Scholarship Possible? (MP3)
- Pluralism: Defense of Religious Exclusivism (MP3)
- Warrant and Proper Function chapter 1 (MP3)
- Alvin Plantinga and Hilary Putnam Discuss God's Existence (MP3)
- Against Materialism (MP3)
- Theism, Atheism, and Rationality (MP3)
- An Interview with Alvin Plantinga (Vimeo videos)
Selected publications
- God, Freedom, and Evil (1977)
- Warrant: The Current Debate (1993)
- Warrant and Proper Function (1993)
- Warranted Christian Belief (2000)
External links
Online writings
- Papers by Alvin Plantinga
- Advice to Christian Philosophers, by Alvin Plantinga
- On Christian Scholarship, by Alvin Plantinga
- Intellectual Sophistication and Basic Belief in God, by Alvin Plantinga
- The Dawkins Confusion, by Alvin Plantinga
Other resources
- An Analysis of Alvin Plantinga's Philosophical and Apologetic System, by Evan D. Rowell