Historicity of the New Testament
Christianity is "built upon the foundation of faith in the historical Jesus who is revealed by the historical New Testament documents. It is of utmost importance that these documents show themselves to be trustworthy and reliable since they are the primary documentary sources substantiating the object of the Christian faith, who is Jesus Christ. Unlike other religious systems which simply express a code of ethic, morality, and philosophical ideas, the Bible claims to be God's divine revelation for all of mankind and it verifies its claims through historical evidence. As New Testament scholar F.F. Bruce notes, "And this Good News is intimately bound up with the historical order, for it tells how the world's redemptive God entered into history, the Eternal came into time, the Kingdom of heaven invaded the realm of earth, in the great events of the Incarnation, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Jesus the Christ." Given the extraordinary historical events that the Bible records, it is crucial to determine two things: (1) The reliability of the New Testament documents and (2) The reliability of the New Testament witnesses. If we cannot establish the reliability of these sources, then we have no objective way to evaluate the historical sayings, deeds, and claims of Jesus and his disciples." John Rosser
- Peter Williams Debates Bart Ehrman on the Reliability of the New Testament Manuscripts (MP3)
- Do the Gospels Contradict Themselves? (Vimeo), by Michael Licona
- Why Is the Reliability of the Bible Important in the Postmodern World?, by Walter Kaiser (MP3)
- Is the New Testament canon reliable and accurate? (MP3), by Tim Keller
Internal Evidence for the Truth of the Gospels (YouTube), by Timothy McGrew
External Evidence for the Gospels (YouTube), by Timothy McGrew
Who Wrote the Gospels? (YouTube), by Tim McGrew
- The Reliability of the Bible: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (MP3s), by Grant Osborne (note: very philosophical)
- The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable?, by F.F. Bruce
- The Historical Reliability of the Gospels, by Craig Blomberg
- Scripture Alone: Exploring the Bible's Accuracy, Authority, and Authenticity, by James White (see pp. 136-168)
- Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics, by Norman Geisler (see pp. 91-96)
See also
- Historicity of the Old Testament
- Inerrancy
External links
The Historicity of the New Testament
- Chapter 5 from J. P. Moreland's Scaling the Secular City.
- Why I Believe The New Testament Is Historically Reliable by Gary Habermas
- Chapter 1 from F. F. Bruce's The New Testament Documents
- Manuscript evidence for superior New Testament reliability, from Carm.org
- Are the New Testament Gospels Reliable?, by Mark D. Roberts
- Are the New Testament Gospels Reliable? - Further Thoughts, by Mark D. Roberts
- The Gospels: Oral History, Not Oral Tradition (Stand to Reason)