Rick Warren

"Rick Warren is founder and pastor of Saddleback Church, one of America’s largest churches. Saddleback, in Lake Forest, California, is associated with the Southern Baptist Convention. Though he has written several books, he is best known for his Purpose Driven books."^ [1]^



"Around this time", Warren says he was driven to reexamine Scripture with 'new eyes.' What he found humbled him. "I found those 2,000 verses on the poor. How did I miss that? I went to Bible college, two seminaries, and I got a doctorate. How did I miss God's compassion for the poor? I was not seeing all the purposes of God. The church is the body of Christ. The hands and feet have been amputated and we're just a big mouth, known more for what we're against." Warren found himself praying, "God, would you use me to reattach the hands and the feet to the body of Christ, so that the whole church cares about the whole gospel in a whole new way-through the local church?" [1]

Those who are skeptical

Despite having a best-selling book and 15,000 members of his church, Warren has received criticism both against his theology and his church methods. Some have expressed mere disagreement, while others have taken a more extreme approach as to come close to calling Warren a heretic. The following quote illustrates this point,

"Critics of The Purpose Driven Life have already pointed out Warren’s tendency to promote the teachings of Catholic mystics like Henri Nouwen and John of the Cross, his mixing of New Age techniques with Bible-based prayer and meditation, and his use of Jungian occult-based psychology to identify a Christian’s personality and spiritual gifts. But our primary concern . . . [should be] focused on how Warren has wrested the Scriptures to lend biblical credence to his misguided teachings." [2]

Articles by Warren

Related books

  • Richard Abanes, Rick Warren and the Purpose That Drives Him: An Insider Looks at the Phenomenal Bestseller. Harvest House Publishers, 2005. ISBN 0736917381.


  1. ? Who Is Rick Warren?, by Tim Challies

See also

External links

