Book of Esther
The book is named after the character Esther.
Author unstated/unknown
Possible author: Mordecai
- Josephus, some rabbinic circles claim Mordecaic authorship
- Author seems to have been a resident of Persia (not Palestine)
Possible author: Nehemiah
- Nehemiah would have known about Purim, as proclaimed in Esther.
- Nehemiah was literate, had access to royal archives.
Dated 464-415 B.C.
- Providing the historical background for the feast of Purim
- Emphasis on the significance of the Jewish people
- Encouragement for Babylonian/Persian Jews of God's providential ability
I. The Feasts of Xerxes (1:1 - 2:18)
- A. Queen Vashti Deposed (ch. 1)
- B. Esther Becomes Queen (2:1-18)
II. The Feasts of Esther (2:19-7:10)
- A. Mordecai Uncovers Plot Against the King (2:19-23)
- B. Haman Plans Jewish Genocide (ch. 3)
- C. Mordecai Persuades Esther to Help (ch. 4)
- D. Esther's Request to the King: The First Banquet (5:1-8)
- E. A Sleepless Night - Mordecai Honored, Haman Humiliated (5:9-6:14)
- F. The Second Banquet: Haman Hanged (ch. 7)
III. The Feasts of Purim (chh. 8-10)
- A. The King's Edict in Behalf of The Jews (ch. 8)
- B. The Institution of Purim (ch. 9)
- C. Mordecai Gets Promoted (ch. 10)