Book of Judges
The Book of Judges is the seventh book of the Bible and the second of the historical books of the Old Testament.
Date and authorship
"The expression 'in those days Israel had no king' (17:6; 18:1; 19:1; 21:25) suggests the author’s perspective was from the later vantage point of the monarchy, looking back to the premonarchic period... Many scholars assume the author lived during the days of David or Solomon and was a staunch supporter of the Davidic kingdom." Arnold, B. T., & Beyer, B. E. (2008). Encountering the Old Testament: A Christian Survey (Second Edition) (182,185). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic.
Length of time
"The shortest length of the period would be around 150 years, assuming a thirteenth-century exodus to the time of Saul (approximately 1200–1050 B.C.). The longest length would be around 350 years, assuming a fifteenth-century exodus (approximately 1400–1050 B.C.)." Arnold, B. T., & Beyer, B. E. (2008). Encountering the Old Testament: A Christian Survey (Second Edition). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic.