Holman Christian Standard Bible

The Holman Christian Standard Bible is an English translation of the Bible sponsored by LifeWay Christian Resources and published by Broadman & Holman, both daughter organizations of the Southern Baptist Convention. It was originally conceived as a replacement for the NIV, which had become controversial after the Internation Bible Society acknowledged its intent to revise the version to include gender-neutral language. The New Testament was first published in 2001, and the first printed edition of complete HCSB was published in 2004.

The editorial team for the HCSB included a large contigency of Southern Baptists, plus Plymouth Brethren, Presbyterians (PCA), Congregationalists, Church of England, Church of God, Evangelical Free Church, Methodists, Evangelical Mennonites and Episcopalians, all of whom were committed to biblical inerrancy. The translation committee sought to strike a balance between the two prevailing philosophies of Bible translation, which they called Optimal Equivalence, with a primary goal "to convey a sense of the original text with as much clarity as possible". They worked from the Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece, 27th edition, and the United Bible Societies' Greek New Testament, 4th corrected edition (for the New Testament), and the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, 5th edition (for the Old Testament).

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