Todays New International Version
External links
- TNIV Bible Translation (PBS)
- Gender Neutral Translations: The Controversy over the TNIV (PDF), by Mike Stallard
- Do Gender-Sensitive Translations Distort Scripture? Not Necessarily (pdf), by Darrell Bock (JETS)
- Why Christians Should Support the TNIV (and Why World Magazine Should Back Off)
- TNIV Homepage
- Is the TNIV faithful in Its Treatment of Gender? Yes, by Mark Strauss
- Changing God's words, by Wayne Grudem - "In trying to make the Bible more accessible to today's young readers, the TNIV toys with Scripture's meaning and accuracy"
- TNIV's Altered Meanings: An Evaluation of the TNIV, by Vern S. Poythress
- Small Changes in Meaning Can Matter: The Unacceptability of the TNIV, by Vern S. Poythress