Revised Standard Version

The Revised Standard Version or RSV of the Bible was initially published in 1952 (New Testament 1946) as a revision of the American Standard Version, which itself was a revision of the King James Version. The RSV was translated primarily by mainline scholars and was the first modern era English translation to make use of 20th century archaeological discoveries. The copyright of the RSV is owned by the National Council of Churches.

Attributes of the RSV

Controversies surrounding the RSV

1972 Update of the RSV

New Revised Standard Version

A revision to the RSV published in 1989 by the National Council of Churches USA. The ecumenical NRSV Bible Translation Committee consists of thirty men and women who are among the top scholars in America today. They come from Protestant denominations, the Roman Catholic church, and the Greek Orthodox Church. The committee also includes a Jewish scholar.

English Standard Version

see English Standard Version

Study Bibles

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