Epistle to the Ephesians



  1. The greeting (1:1, 2).
  2. An introductory hymn or eulogy, which blesses the Triune Godfor the spiritual blessings given to the church(1:3-14).
  3. A report on Paul's prayer that believers will be enlightened to know the hope of God's calling, the riches of his inheritance in the saints, and the greatness of his power, demonstrated in the resurrection and exaltationof Jesus Christ (1:15-23).
  4. Paul's reflection on how believers have been raised from death in sinby virtue of their union with Christ in his resurrection and exaltation (2:1-10).
  5. A description of the former alienation of the Gentilesfrom the people of God, and their reconciliation with God and with the covenant people of God through the blood of Jesus Christ (2:11-18).
  6. A description of the church of Jesus Christ, likened to a new temple built for the habitation of God through the Spirit (2:19-22).
  7. Paul's description of his apostolic ministry and the mystery of the Gospel (3:1-13).
  8. A report on Paul's prayer that believers will be enabled by God's Spirit to know the love of Christ and to be filled with the fullness of God (3:14-21).
  9. An appeal to walk in a manner worthy of God's calling, particularly through maintaining the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace for the maturity of the body (4:1-16).
  10. An appeal to not walk in the futility of sin, but to live as the new people of God, who have put off the old man, and put on the new (4:17-32).
  11. An appeal to walk in love, light, and wisdomnot in the darkness of sin (5:1-17).
  12. An appeal to be filled by the Spirit of God in worship, marriage, family relationships, and in the servant-master relationships (5:18-6:9)
  13. A call to spiritual warfare, with a warning about the spiritual and wicked nature of our enemy and a description of the armor provided for believers by God (6:10-20)
  14. The mission of Tychichusand the conclusion of the letter (6:21-24).

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Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 5